
Our Products

IRF specializes in 8 main products

Long Oil Alkyd

Medium Oil Alkyd

Short Oil Alkyd - SOFA

Short Oil Alkyd - COFA

Styrenated Alkyd

Thermoplastic Acrylic
Acid (TPA)

Epoxy Resin

Acrylic Polyol Resin


Our Story

IRF was established with a limited capacity to produce Alkyd resin and serve small players in Saudi Arabia and the region. 


The success IRF obtained led to the acquisition by NBM (a listed holding company)


IRF gained significant market attention,
leading to its first expansion.


Today, IRF is expanding to serve
up to 1300 MT capacity with more 
than 8 products to +250 clients 
around the world 

IRF was established with a limited
capacity to produce Alkyd resin
and serve small players in Saudi  
Arabia and the region. 


IRE started gaining Significant 
attention in the market and had its 
first expansion 


The success IRF obtained led to
the acquisition by NBM (a listed
holding company)


Today, IRF has expanded significantly, boasting a production capacity of up to 1300 MT and offering over 8 products to More than 250 clients worldwide.


Our Growth

Our Reach

Today, we serve over 250 clients worldwide in more than 17 countries

Our Advantage

Capable team

Executive & technical management of +20 FTEs

Established capabilities

+20 years of experience in the Saudi market

Dedicated CRM

Direct communication line with management staff

State-of-art processes

New facility equipped with latest technologies

Strong partners

Owned and operated by a listed company in Saudi

Certified facilities

Certified facilities by national and international guidelines

Contact Us

you can contact us using our contact information